Due to lack of interest, the Junior Group is in abeyance.
About Junior Group
- The Junior Group offers a fun program for children interested in learning about the wonderful world of nature and exploring the natural environment.
- The Junior Group Coordinator is Connie Tuck. Activities are organised on a monthly basis according to seasonal happenings and forecast weather.
- All Junior members attending activities are accompanied by a parent or parents.
- Junior members will be notified of upcoming events and details will also be available on this page.
- To join the BDFNC Junior Group, go to the Membership page and apply for Family Membership.
What's On?
- Activities are arranged on a monthly basis, but usually not in school holidays.
- Junior Group activity dates planned for the next six months can be viewed by downloading the BDFNC Activities Program available on the Activities page of this website.
- The venue, meeting place and other details of each monthly activity are emailed to members the week prior to the scheduled date.